Ganged where the snarls, plays & with it my fight,
The world’s reflection steeled in a listless gaze..
Disputes if the purpose ever had a life.
Kept for my strides are long ,
Senses sharp & the animism strong.
In my loyal daze, thought I ‘ld be free..
Of an endless chase & a collar’s crease.
For each hunt should be my last,
The sounds of gun & the pounds of hoof..
Loose it & run when I can to the outstretched woods,
Why instead I chase a prey with vigor anew?
Why waifs my life with the same plight?
When the pleads pray mercy, impulses croon.
Raison d'ĂȘtre, a piece of meat & for a pat or two?
To the vastness of world, my ranch I choose,
To live a little, another hunt & in it my freedom.