Monday, December 20, 2010

Less a cusp & the shine.

The realm of young & their world of love so bright,
Hurts a tale as it lives & leaves ..
Evil falls suddenly & in slowing gazes,
To stall a doom, the years will not wait..
Frost is silent in their talks,
The warmth eludes of distances they jump across..
Travestied, the one that finds a reason-a turn,
The left is the stone that refutes a light & it’s burn,
Maybe the light is antique & is the time..
Is my gaze twinged & refuting to leave me by?
Anything would better the silent tale’s,
The pieces I broke, the world you once help made…
Epiphanic I smile-cleansed they are-no more mine’s,
Dark showers-December too now rains,
Clenched & in grasps..In familiarities of glasses frail,
Hid in my smile’s espial-of dreams & it's tale’

1 comment:

  1. Undoubted Phantom... less the cusp shines a tell tale.
