Haunted, bantered, withered..
Seeking a gun & a helping hand for trigger.
Greased, smeared, mocked perennial..
Seeking a light for this abysmal tunnel.
Liked, loved, cared like no other..
Seeking an angst, a destroyer & his pleasure.
True where each revenant in a world is,
Lingual, not where a soul speaks.
colors red, green; each painted pain where is,
seas where have a life unseen..
serenades the sun, skips where no evening,
Seeking a world for this pariah's footprint.
A limn tickle, blimey where be evenings,
Seeking a tree-house to house this spring.
In eyes of each battling, renounced for my being,
Seeking an eye to see me in its blink.
aah' altruist, not caring an inch,
Seeking a god to take away his blessing.