Sunday, September 25, 2011

Decoded Whim.

Haunted, bantered, withered..
Seeking a gun & a helping hand for trigger.
Greased, smeared, mocked perennial..
Seeking a light for this abysmal tunnel.
Liked, loved, cared like no other..
Seeking an angst, a destroyer & his pleasure.

True where each revenant in a world is,
Lingual, not where a soul speaks.
colors red, green; each painted pain where is,
seas where have a life unseen..
serenades the sun, skips where no evening,
Seeking a world for this pariah's footprint.

A limn tickle, blimey where be evenings,
Seeking a tree-house to house this spring.
In eyes of each battling, renounced for my being,
Seeking an eye to see me in its blink.
aah' altruist, not caring an inch,
Seeking a god to take away his blessing.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Raison d'ĂȘtre

It’s a hearted tale of years long yore..
When the couches sang & smelled in thoughts of your;
Of a lady & in her un-relinquishing smile..  
A beat would croon and gyrate me where-I’d never know!  
Shouldered like a crippled, in the walk of its pleasure,  
Every daze, every rayed beat was where a cradle..  
The sigh of a sleeping soul, the metamorphic her dreams like made in gold,  
In superman my vigil, the only life was my for her to skittle.    

Where each song had a reason, in the grooves & its treason..  
I have been captive since, in the requiem of then a vision.  
Dusted an old cedar, the love still where grows .. 
'Love me like a cheap wine, uncork me & and then throw..' 
Trifles of bespectacled, in bouts of lousy few visions,  
'Your talk & smile, still haunt of never having gone'.
In sketched a paint, in the darkened a rain, 
Misplaced where a trust, the corpse & the drug. 
Kisses bound in the perfect touch, pressed noses & dreamy twirls, 
In the known & in its passage, wherever it had to go.. 
Maybe a smile would seep, parade out while you dream tonight,  
Wheeze a light year atop its broom, find a house & drop in besides, 
Ring me to the chimes, I will at least sleep in your thoughts nice. 
Pray me, revel for me a sight- the kill or at least a benignly life ! !

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Portfire sleep & a wake'

Shadow shrouds a glaze,
It’s a bright sunny day, in my dream it rains,
Effeminates, drowns in then drains.
Fit in pieces or break their realm,
The scattered sands, here welsh on the bade.
Freeze a night unlike its soul,
The touch of dark, cold are the stars,
Mottles of white, each neglects with benign.
So, lay a smile..steal them of a counted life, comes a dream:
Of a rant less abode, rocked atop a river,

While I gaze the leave, why do I shiver?

Embrace the lonely, embarrass would the love be?
Enchant the story, lessons would the life see?
In turn of events, would I loose or make a stand?
The life I see in, a mirage or a loose end?
Very few have seen the blood, spewed dark but not its cut,
Instilled a life, that can not the future see..
Pons asinorum of passersby & in my fight,
Alays a reality of a world that will & with you end.

Friday, September 2, 2011


Sailed & at the helm I lose my walk, 
werewolvesque atrocious demons stalk
Means of the world, makes no sense at all, 
muckamuck the grey strands do mock. 
Marauds an uncouthly past, 
dark its clan of colors & nights - loud 
The accordion bleeds a waft, 
a sane sings out aloud..bow bastard & I’ll applaud! 

If ever a myth could talk, cross my legs, sit. 
I’ld pay to see a shaman’s altruist a vision..

The nefarious, ghosts & a world of having lived, 
Let them build, stitch to rip, unearth life’s mystique.. 
'On the gliding through breeze, 
ataraxy breached by evil intentions, 
The veneer of joy.. 
& of being a peccant in midst of celebrations. 
Scares & creeps their existence; only if they could reason.
Does it pain- the angst or in joy they croon;
or could their heart ever like before weep?'

(A dead man's unfilled wishes are just devoice.)