Saturday, September 10, 2011

Raison d'être

It’s a hearted tale of years long yore..
When the couches sang & smelled in thoughts of your;
Of a lady & in her un-relinquishing smile..  
A beat would croon and gyrate me where-I’d never know!  
Shouldered like a crippled, in the walk of its pleasure,  
Every daze, every rayed beat was where a cradle..  
The sigh of a sleeping soul, the metamorphic her dreams like made in gold,  
In superman my vigil, the only life was my for her to skittle.    

Where each song had a reason, in the grooves & its treason..  
I have been captive since, in the requiem of then a vision.  
Dusted an old cedar, the love still where grows .. 
'Love me like a cheap wine, uncork me & and then throw..' 
Trifles of bespectacled, in bouts of lousy few visions,  
'Your talk & smile, still haunt of never having gone'.
In sketched a paint, in the darkened a rain, 
Misplaced where a trust, the corpse & the drug. 
Kisses bound in the perfect touch, pressed noses & dreamy twirls, 
In the known & in its passage, wherever it had to go.. 
Maybe a smile would seep, parade out while you dream tonight,  
Wheeze a light year atop its broom, find a house & drop in besides, 
Ring me to the chimes, I will at least sleep in your thoughts nice. 
Pray me, revel for me a sight- the kill or at least a benignly life ! !

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